Friday, December 17, 2010

how to use cpanel

how to login in cpanel
open your browser, type your cpanel path which can be like this
a new pop up windows appear where you give your user-name and password which is provided by  your hosting service provider enter , now you are login and can manage your task from cpanel(whm)
How to create email for your domain
Now lets create a pop email account , go to email accounts option in c panel click Manage Ad email account there will be already email account in your Email accounts option which is default log in of your c panel provided by hosting provider, now click on add new email account , remember if you have more than one domain in this panel , like sub-domain     which will appear like this hear  then be careful to choose correct domain so your email can be in correct address which you want to represent ,,,now enter your new email address which can be  yourname  choose password, confirm password  and quota , press create button and now your email has been created and now you can use your new email address  and   here is often email link     OR        

how to create subdomain
click to subdomain icon or text which is visible in c panel new window will appear where you will enter your subdomain name and press add now your sub-domain is ready to use