Are you looking for a high-quality translation service but you also want to save by reducing your overall translation costs?
As a quick money saver, the first thing you should be aware of is to contact the service provider directly and not to go through any translation agency. It can lower your translation cost directly because any third party agency can eat up most or at least part of your budget. Contact the service provider straightly can save you all the agency fees or third party charges, and therefore you can enjoy the same standard of service at a reduced charge and hence a more affordable price level.
To achieve even more cost reduction, the second thing to do is to check whether there is a price discount rate for your purchase. By doing so, most of the case you can get a competitive service at a relatively cheaper price without reducing quality. We do have a low-cost and inexpensive one recommended for you, if you are looking for a high quality English-Chinese translation service. In particular, this service provider now offers a competitive 10% off for every new customer. You may check out the details of this low-cost translation service provider here. Please also be aware that the discount rate offer will only be valid until June 30, 2012 (may subject to further extension).
Another money saving tip for you is that the service provider shall have a reasonable standard for calculating translation rates and shall impose no hidden fees to customers. This is really important because the overall translation charges may easily be over your budget if there is any unexpected hidden fees arisen. You need to always well-control your budget as you do not want to run out of your money before completing your whole project.
What is equally important is that the translation service provider shall also let you know all the steps to work out a whole project for you. You need to know all the steps required in order to effectively plan your project and reduce any possible delay due to misunderstanding. You may check out the working steps here for the competitive one we recommended for you.
In order to minimize your translation cost and avoid any possible future argument, you shall also read the related Terms of Conditions (ToC) here. In order to understand more about the background of the service provider we recommended for you and make sure the quality of its content is acceptable, you may read about the website owner and browse the website content here. If you have any additional question, do not forget to send email(s) whenever necessary to ask through the email address from the website until you are satisfied with the related translation cost.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Work with Malaysia web design professionals for web design and e-commerce
There are people that create websites for fun and there are people that create websites for serious business.
There are people that create websites for fun and there are people that create websites for serious business. The people in the latter category need to be far more careful in how their organization website is created because there is a cost attached to it and the cost needs to come back in the form of revenue. If you are serious about earning money from your website, mere web design will not do. You need a serious think on your e-commerce strategy and set up your website accordingly. The best people to help you with this are Malaysia web design experts.
Let us say you get web design done for your business and get it uploaded on the WWW. What are you going to do about it now? Will you use it just for disseminating information about your business? And even if this is the strategy and not e-commerce you need a strategy behind it. Who will build this strategy for you? You must think of some of the best Malaysia web design experts.
Even when it comes to simple web design you need expertise. Your website cannot afford to look amateurish because you are expecting so many people to visit. And the visitors will include your customers and clients too. When they see a website that has just been made they are bound to feel less confident doing business with you. On the other hand, when they see a professional looking website that has all the relevant content and the look of it corresponds to your business logo and colors that is when they will look to do more business with you. And if you want the best in web design you simply need to hire one of the Malaysia web design experts.
As far as e-commerce is concerned, it should be something you need to think about. Once your web design is done it doesn’t take much to set up the e-commerce platform. If you work with the best of Malaysia web design experts they can design your website as well as set it up for e-commerce. The advantage of having an e-commerce website is that you will be able to allow your customers to shop online. And when they shop online you earn that much more revenue.
Professional Malaysia web design experts are good for e-commerce because they cover each and every aspect of web design for your business that will make your customers to want to buy from your website. They will visit a website where they can see the products that they want to buy. They will be able to see relevant products when they opt for a specific one. They will be able to see the bestselling products and will also have ease of navigation as one of the benefits. Moreover, they will feel confident paying online because the setting will be so.
Web design and e-commerce are not tough provided you work with the best. This is where you need Malaysia web design experts.
Let us say you get web design done for your business and get it uploaded on the WWW. What are you going to do about it now? Will you use it just for disseminating information about your business? And even if this is the strategy and not e-commerce you need a strategy behind it. Who will build this strategy for you? You must think of some of the best Malaysia web design experts.
Even when it comes to simple web design you need expertise. Your website cannot afford to look amateurish because you are expecting so many people to visit. And the visitors will include your customers and clients too. When they see a website that has just been made they are bound to feel less confident doing business with you. On the other hand, when they see a professional looking website that has all the relevant content and the look of it corresponds to your business logo and colors that is when they will look to do more business with you. And if you want the best in web design you simply need to hire one of the Malaysia web design experts.
As far as e-commerce is concerned, it should be something you need to think about. Once your web design is done it doesn’t take much to set up the e-commerce platform. If you work with the best of Malaysia web design experts they can design your website as well as set it up for e-commerce. The advantage of having an e-commerce website is that you will be able to allow your customers to shop online. And when they shop online you earn that much more revenue.
Professional Malaysia web design experts are good for e-commerce because they cover each and every aspect of web design for your business that will make your customers to want to buy from your website. They will visit a website where they can see the products that they want to buy. They will be able to see relevant products when they opt for a specific one. They will be able to see the bestselling products and will also have ease of navigation as one of the benefits. Moreover, they will feel confident paying online because the setting will be so.
Web design and e-commerce are not tough provided you work with the best. This is where you need Malaysia web design experts.
Friday, March 30, 2012
10 Highly Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website
There are many ways to promote your website for free online. Here are 10 highly effective strategies you can use right now.
1. Write articles or free reports for other webmasters to publish and put your website address in the by-line. If you write good content, your articles will be published and many readers who like your article will go on to visit your website.
2. Arrange a Joint Venture partnership with List owners and Webmasters.
3. Add your ad or website address to your email signature. This way, every time you send an email, you'll be promoting your website.
4. Exchange Links with Other Webmasters. This is another effective strategy for generating targeted traffic to your website for free. It involves contacting other webmasters for a possible link exchange partnership.
5. Add a blog to your site and Ping and other search engines. Pinging your blogs to the search engines is the fastest way to get the search engine robots to visit your blog and attract new visitors to your web site.
6. Submit your blog address to blog search sites and directories. You can submit your blog's URL to websites such as Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex. For a complete list of websites where you can submit your URL, go to
7. Create RSS feeds for your site and submit the feed URLs to the major RSS feed directories online. A good place to start is which provides a list of the top RSS directories.
8. Be an active commenter. Try to leave comments on the blogs that you regularly visit. Most comment systems also provide a way for you to leave a link back to your blog or website which begs a visit at the very least.
9. If you plan to have anything printed up, put your web address on it. You can print your URL on business cards, stickers, leaflets, etc.
10. Add your web address to your forum profile signature. Every time you post or respond to questions your ad will be displayed. If you post good content in forums, people who read your threads will also check out your website.
© Copyright 2005 Chileshe Mwape. Submit articles for free at All articles are published instantly. You can submit reports, news, press releases, stories, product reviews, opinions, editorials about your website and services and much more.
(This article may be republished as long as the above link is active and clickable and this author box (byline) is not edited.)
By: Michael Crockett
Article Directory:
1. Write articles or free reports for other webmasters to publish and put your website address in the by-line. If you write good content, your articles will be published and many readers who like your article will go on to visit your website.
2. Arrange a Joint Venture partnership with List owners and Webmasters.
3. Add your ad or website address to your email signature. This way, every time you send an email, you'll be promoting your website.
4. Exchange Links with Other Webmasters. This is another effective strategy for generating targeted traffic to your website for free. It involves contacting other webmasters for a possible link exchange partnership.
5. Add a blog to your site and Ping and other search engines. Pinging your blogs to the search engines is the fastest way to get the search engine robots to visit your blog and attract new visitors to your web site.
6. Submit your blog address to blog search sites and directories. You can submit your blog's URL to websites such as Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex. For a complete list of websites where you can submit your URL, go to
7. Create RSS feeds for your site and submit the feed URLs to the major RSS feed directories online. A good place to start is which provides a list of the top RSS directories.
8. Be an active commenter. Try to leave comments on the blogs that you regularly visit. Most comment systems also provide a way for you to leave a link back to your blog or website which begs a visit at the very least.
9. If you plan to have anything printed up, put your web address on it. You can print your URL on business cards, stickers, leaflets, etc.
10. Add your web address to your forum profile signature. Every time you post or respond to questions your ad will be displayed. If you post good content in forums, people who read your threads will also check out your website.
© Copyright 2005 Chileshe Mwape. Submit articles for free at All articles are published instantly. You can submit reports, news, press releases, stories, product reviews, opinions, editorials about your website and services and much more.
(This article may be republished as long as the above link is active and clickable and this author box (byline) is not edited.)
By: Michael Crockett
Article Directory:
Traffic Generation: The Number One Skill That Will Generate Cash Flow
Traffic Generation: The Number One Skill That Will Generate Cash Flow. (Part 3 of 3) plus articles and information on Traffic-Building
If you're feeling a bit of confusion and frustration about how to get visitors to your website and generate more sales, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I stopped listening to every "big time" marketer that came along with the latest traffic generating trick.
You've got dozens of gurus vying for your attention and every one of them has the solution to all of your problems. Right? The proliferation of messages that promise a traffic explosion using new techniques can become overwhelming.
Time out.
Take a deep breath.
Sit back in your chair.
Now, if you will focus your energy on a very short list of traffic generation strategies that actually DO work, and commit to continually improving your skills in these few areas, you will be amazed at what you can achieve... WILL achieve.
In part 1 of this article series, we discussed the fact that...
There are only 3 ways to get traffic to your website:
1) Buy it.
2) Borrow it.
3) Steal it.
Since #3 is not an option we're going to consider, that leaves us with "buy it" and "borrow it".
We also talked about the "Holy Grail" of web traffic. What is it? FREE TRAFFIC! I want it. You want it. Every disillusioned internet marketer wants it.
Here's the truth...
It's a myth.
It doesn't exist.
There is no such thing as free website traffic.
We'll resume our discussion where we left off...
In parts 1 and 2 of this series we discussed what your first two priorities should be for buying website traffic (PPC search engines and ezine advertising). Next, let's talk about borrowing traffic.
There are 2 traffic borrowing strategies that we'll talk about here.
1) Search engines.
2) Writing and submitting articles.
There's no disguising the fact that the print books, ebooks and reports written on these two strategies number in the hundreds and even thousands. Therefore, I'll make no attempt to provide comprehensive treatment on either of them.
However, they're both important and worthy of at least a primer. So, let's start with search engines.
If you want to make money with your website today, this week or this year, what is the absolute worst investment of your time?
Search engine optimization.
I know that some marketers don't want to hear this, but it's a fact for some of the reasons stated above and plenty of others. The mathematical (im)probabilities of achieving a top ranking for a search phrase that will result in meaningful traffic that includes buyers is? let's just say the odds aren't in your favor.
There are strategies that work with search engines to drive traffic to websites, but one thing they absolutely do not include is any attempt to optimize a sales page or for that matter an entire website that's designed to convert visitors into customers. The strategies that work with search engines offer them what they crave most, which is content. Perhaps in the future we can discuss this in some detail.
The next big time waster that's closely related to search engine optimization is submitting your website to the search engines. If your site won't be listed in the top 2, 3 or 4 pages of a search engine, nobody's going to see it anyways. This debate rages back and forth even with SEO experts who make their full time living doing nothing but consulting on SEO. Submit? Don't submit?
Following is an excerpt from Jill Whalen's High Ranking ezine. Jill does this stuff full time and she's well respected. I'm including this because it's enlightening. Here we go...
READER QUESTION: Is manually submitting each site better?
JW: You don't actually need to submit your site at all to search engines -- neither manually nor in an automated fashion. They all have spiders that "crawl" the Web and find all pages that exist, as long as there is a link to them from a page they already know about.
READER QUESTION: Once submitted you keep submitting ...if so how often? (So you don't get kicked out.)
JW: Never.
READER QUESTION: The Microsoft submit supposedly submits to hundreds of search engines and directories
JW: It's a waste of time and bandwidth.
READER QUESTION: Is this good or bad (the number of SE's submitted to)
JW: It's neither, just useless.
READER QUESTION: I heard the more the better ...but there are some pretty cheesy search engines out there
JW: "The more the better" is incorrect. There are only 4 major search databases that matter: Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask Jeeves. Their databases power all of the other engines that make a difference.
Interesting, huh? So, let's move on.
Writing and Submitting Articles:
I KNOW that there are talented writers online who have not capitalized on their writing skills yet.
If you're in this group, you need to write and submit articles.
IF YOU'RE NOT IN THIS GROUP, you need to write and submit articles.
You see, nobody is out there grading you. Google does not moralize over your ability (or lack thereof) to write a coherent article. Google will, however, spider the links back to your IBSoftShop if you include it in your article's resource box. The more you do this, the better you'll get.
Writing and submitting articles is a long term approach to generating traffic that you should start right now. Set time aside weekly to consistently get your name and your site's URL out there in various article directories. Can you spare one hour a week? If yes, do this.
I just published an article on this topic titled "How to Vote for Your 0wn Website in the Search Engines." You can read it here:
Next, can I save you some time?
Here's a short list of activities and "programs" that will consume your time with very little if any result:
- Start Page Networks
- Exit Traffic Exchanges
- Safelists
- FFA Pages
- Lurking in Forums
There are others too, but who really benefits from a start page network, exit traffic exchange, safelist or FFA page? The person who owns and runs it. They benefit because they get to market to you and you get to market to other people who want nothing other than free traffic. Remember free traffic? Forget it.
You could spend the next year whiling away the hours on free traffic schemes or you could find PPC traffic that will turn your $10 investment into $49.85 in profit and then duplicate this success 10 times, 50 times or 100 times. Which will you choose?
Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton
Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with a passion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThrive Online", for big juicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings. 17 Free Cool Tools...
By: Thomas D Lusk
Article Directory:
If you're feeling a bit of confusion and frustration about how to get visitors to your website and generate more sales, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I stopped listening to every "big time" marketer that came along with the latest traffic generating trick.
You've got dozens of gurus vying for your attention and every one of them has the solution to all of your problems. Right? The proliferation of messages that promise a traffic explosion using new techniques can become overwhelming.
Time out.
Take a deep breath.
Sit back in your chair.
Now, if you will focus your energy on a very short list of traffic generation strategies that actually DO work, and commit to continually improving your skills in these few areas, you will be amazed at what you can achieve... WILL achieve.
In part 1 of this article series, we discussed the fact that...
There are only 3 ways to get traffic to your website:
1) Buy it.
2) Borrow it.
3) Steal it.
Since #3 is not an option we're going to consider, that leaves us with "buy it" and "borrow it".
We also talked about the "Holy Grail" of web traffic. What is it? FREE TRAFFIC! I want it. You want it. Every disillusioned internet marketer wants it.
Here's the truth...
It's a myth.
It doesn't exist.
There is no such thing as free website traffic.
We'll resume our discussion where we left off...
In parts 1 and 2 of this series we discussed what your first two priorities should be for buying website traffic (PPC search engines and ezine advertising). Next, let's talk about borrowing traffic.
There are 2 traffic borrowing strategies that we'll talk about here.
1) Search engines.
2) Writing and submitting articles.
There's no disguising the fact that the print books, ebooks and reports written on these two strategies number in the hundreds and even thousands. Therefore, I'll make no attempt to provide comprehensive treatment on either of them.
However, they're both important and worthy of at least a primer. So, let's start with search engines.
If you want to make money with your website today, this week or this year, what is the absolute worst investment of your time?
Search engine optimization.
I know that some marketers don't want to hear this, but it's a fact for some of the reasons stated above and plenty of others. The mathematical (im)probabilities of achieving a top ranking for a search phrase that will result in meaningful traffic that includes buyers is? let's just say the odds aren't in your favor.
There are strategies that work with search engines to drive traffic to websites, but one thing they absolutely do not include is any attempt to optimize a sales page or for that matter an entire website that's designed to convert visitors into customers. The strategies that work with search engines offer them what they crave most, which is content. Perhaps in the future we can discuss this in some detail.
The next big time waster that's closely related to search engine optimization is submitting your website to the search engines. If your site won't be listed in the top 2, 3 or 4 pages of a search engine, nobody's going to see it anyways. This debate rages back and forth even with SEO experts who make their full time living doing nothing but consulting on SEO. Submit? Don't submit?
Following is an excerpt from Jill Whalen's High Ranking ezine. Jill does this stuff full time and she's well respected. I'm including this because it's enlightening. Here we go...
READER QUESTION: Is manually submitting each site better?
JW: You don't actually need to submit your site at all to search engines -- neither manually nor in an automated fashion. They all have spiders that "crawl" the Web and find all pages that exist, as long as there is a link to them from a page they already know about.
READER QUESTION: Once submitted you keep submitting ...if so how often? (So you don't get kicked out.)
JW: Never.
READER QUESTION: The Microsoft submit supposedly submits to hundreds of search engines and directories
JW: It's a waste of time and bandwidth.
READER QUESTION: Is this good or bad (the number of SE's submitted to)
JW: It's neither, just useless.
READER QUESTION: I heard the more the better ...but there are some pretty cheesy search engines out there
JW: "The more the better" is incorrect. There are only 4 major search databases that matter: Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask Jeeves. Their databases power all of the other engines that make a difference.
Interesting, huh? So, let's move on.
Writing and Submitting Articles:
I KNOW that there are talented writers online who have not capitalized on their writing skills yet.
If you're in this group, you need to write and submit articles.
IF YOU'RE NOT IN THIS GROUP, you need to write and submit articles.
You see, nobody is out there grading you. Google does not moralize over your ability (or lack thereof) to write a coherent article. Google will, however, spider the links back to your IBSoftShop if you include it in your article's resource box. The more you do this, the better you'll get.
Writing and submitting articles is a long term approach to generating traffic that you should start right now. Set time aside weekly to consistently get your name and your site's URL out there in various article directories. Can you spare one hour a week? If yes, do this.
I just published an article on this topic titled "How to Vote for Your 0wn Website in the Search Engines." You can read it here:
Next, can I save you some time?
Here's a short list of activities and "programs" that will consume your time with very little if any result:
- Start Page Networks
- Exit Traffic Exchanges
- Safelists
- FFA Pages
- Lurking in Forums
There are others too, but who really benefits from a start page network, exit traffic exchange, safelist or FFA page? The person who owns and runs it. They benefit because they get to market to you and you get to market to other people who want nothing other than free traffic. Remember free traffic? Forget it.
You could spend the next year whiling away the hours on free traffic schemes or you could find PPC traffic that will turn your $10 investment into $49.85 in profit and then duplicate this success 10 times, 50 times or 100 times. Which will you choose?
Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton
Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with a passion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThrive Online", for big juicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings. 17 Free Cool Tools...
By: Thomas D Lusk
Article Directory:
How to use Google Panda update to increase your PR
SEO just got very much harder and added time consuming after Google’s Panda update this year. The Panda Update caught virtually all search engine optimizers off guard and possesses affected the number of traffic and sales for numerous site owners
SEO just got very much harder and added time consuming after Google’s Panda update this year. The Panda Update caught virtually all search engine optimizers off guard and possesses affected the number of traffic and sales for numerous site owners. SEO should never be the similar again. According for you to Amit Singhal, a Google Fellow, the update was aimed toward separating the high-quality sites through the low-quality sites. Alright, so what in Google’s eyes is really a “high-quality” site?
For the past 10+ years, Google put into use its PageRank method to rank internet websites. If you had an online site about basketball, and also got a url from ESPN. com - Google would discover that your site is often a quality site regarding basketball. It was comparable to a voting process, when a applicable and high authority site related to you, it would count as being a vote. And greater votes your websites received, the better your web site would rank. Keep in mind relevance played a roll, as Google presented more value that will sites linking back to you which were with regards to a similar topic because yours. In supplement, authority mattered, which means one link from ESPN. com might possibly hold more value than 5 inbound links from sports linked blogs which weren’t while popular.
Webmasters should never concentrate their efforts much on just one algorithm factor but instead they should deal with producing Web sites that includes high-quality content after which they will have an even better chance of getting their site rank well on Google for that long-term. Sites hit the hardest are most often Websites that had a great deal of either duplicate webpages or pages where the content was akin to other pages on their site.
What can SEO company accomplish to counter the end results of Panda? First if you have had any duplicate content on their sites you should remove it. Then go to help Google Webmasters Tool page and have Google to take out those pages via Google’s index. Any time you can’t or won’t take away the duplicate content, destination those duplicate pages into site’s spiders. txt file along with exclude especially Googlebot via crawling and indexing the ones particular pages. Also you should add some form of new article per week, more would be better. Make sure that your particular articles should be well researched, well crafted and properly edited. The articles end up being of sufficient enough length to hide all the salient points of the article. If you employ a blog then update it routinely. Preferably at very least 1-2 times 7 days, but daily is going to be much better. It seems that Google is seeking basically authority web-sites to rank relating to page 1 of their SERPS. So if you have a new domain…this don't be a fast solution. It will take time for your website for being considered an authority at a given niche market place. Lastly make sure Content is *original and even unique. *
You may consider finding a SEO company to guide you doing the activity and audit effects. Choosing a company is definitely a very important judgement, and not one which should be jumped to easily. Afterall, SEO is going LONG TERM tactic. Using assist involving SEO. NeT comparison services one can find ourself in better position to choose the best companion localy. See and compare SEO USA companies, based on ratings and customer ratings, and suit yor requires.
So do search of a and your website Will get high organic ranks on Google. Getting high ranks on Google is quite a bit about your nose…keeping the item clean and keeping it on the grindstone.
SEO just got very much harder and added time consuming after Google’s Panda update this year. The Panda Update caught virtually all search engine optimizers off guard and possesses affected the number of traffic and sales for numerous site owners. SEO should never be the similar again. According for you to Amit Singhal, a Google Fellow, the update was aimed toward separating the high-quality sites through the low-quality sites. Alright, so what in Google’s eyes is really a “high-quality” site?
For the past 10+ years, Google put into use its PageRank method to rank internet websites. If you had an online site about basketball, and also got a url from ESPN. com - Google would discover that your site is often a quality site regarding basketball. It was comparable to a voting process, when a applicable and high authority site related to you, it would count as being a vote. And greater votes your websites received, the better your web site would rank. Keep in mind relevance played a roll, as Google presented more value that will sites linking back to you which were with regards to a similar topic because yours. In supplement, authority mattered, which means one link from ESPN. com might possibly hold more value than 5 inbound links from sports linked blogs which weren’t while popular.
Webmasters should never concentrate their efforts much on just one algorithm factor but instead they should deal with producing Web sites that includes high-quality content after which they will have an even better chance of getting their site rank well on Google for that long-term. Sites hit the hardest are most often Websites that had a great deal of either duplicate webpages or pages where the content was akin to other pages on their site.
What can SEO company accomplish to counter the end results of Panda? First if you have had any duplicate content on their sites you should remove it. Then go to help Google Webmasters Tool page and have Google to take out those pages via Google’s index. Any time you can’t or won’t take away the duplicate content, destination those duplicate pages into site’s spiders. txt file along with exclude especially Googlebot via crawling and indexing the ones particular pages. Also you should add some form of new article per week, more would be better. Make sure that your particular articles should be well researched, well crafted and properly edited. The articles end up being of sufficient enough length to hide all the salient points of the article. If you employ a blog then update it routinely. Preferably at very least 1-2 times 7 days, but daily is going to be much better. It seems that Google is seeking basically authority web-sites to rank relating to page 1 of their SERPS. So if you have a new domain…this don't be a fast solution. It will take time for your website for being considered an authority at a given niche market place. Lastly make sure Content is *original and even unique. *
You may consider finding a SEO company to guide you doing the activity and audit effects. Choosing a company is definitely a very important judgement, and not one which should be jumped to easily. Afterall, SEO is going LONG TERM tactic. Using assist involving SEO. NeT comparison services one can find ourself in better position to choose the best companion localy. See and compare SEO USA companies, based on ratings and customer ratings, and suit yor requires.
So do search of a and your website Will get high organic ranks on Google. Getting high ranks on Google is quite a bit about your nose…keeping the item clean and keeping it on the grindstone.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
First Truly Honest Cable Company
WTF I definitely found this amusing I'm pleasantly surprised that my internet connection lasted long enough to view it in one go. Your Local High Speed Internet & Cable Provider gives it to you straight.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
In Long Distance Relationship? This App Is for You
Kostour moved from Canada to Mountain View to build a 3D software startup. Instead, he built an app to stay in touch with the girlfriend he left behind in Canada. The iPhone app, Pair, launched in the app store this week. It creates a private shared timeline for couples that allows them to easily swap SMS messages, photos, videos and locations.
“if we’re so disconnected, how can we use our mobile devices to feel a little bit closer, to feel like we can touch each other?” Kostour says. The app includes a feature called “thumb kiss” that vibrates when both parties touch the same spot on the screen. Couples can also co-create drawings, maintain a joint to-do list and send a “thinking of you” message that works like a more thoughtful Facebook poke.

Pair takes the concept behind Path a step further. Instead of sharing personal updates within a small network, it’s a way to stay constantly connected with the smallest of networks — one other person. To start using the app, you need to send someone with an iPhone (the Android version is coming soon) a request to be your “pair” on it. Creating multiple pairs isn’t allowed, though it’s easy to unpair and re-pair.
Three of the five men who helped create Pair are in long-distance relationships, but Kostour says that any pair of close friends could use the app to stay in touch throughout the day. Eventually, the startup plans to sell premium games or other activities they can use in the app.
A few Pair activities — or even the concept of keeping an app solely for interacting with one person — might strike some as more nauseating than sweet. But there’s a case to be made that the app is just what th eincreasing number of young long-distance couples could use. Instead of juggling Skype dates, phone calls and text messages, the app provides one portal for communication. “If I want to talk to her, I don’t have to tap anywhere else,” Kostour says of his girlfriend of two years. “Just tap one button and I’m talking to her right away.”
[INFOGRAPHIC] How Tech and Social Media Are Changing Travel
From mobile apps to deal sites, people use technology more than ever to help find places to go. Technology also helps vacationers enjoy themselves after they reach their destinations. But just how much is technology changing the way we travel? Nearly one-third of social media users have used a mobile app to find good prices for flights and hotels, and 15% have downloaded an app specific to a certain trip, according to a survey by the market research company Lab42.
And just because people are on break, they aren’t necessarily taking a break from their devices. More than 80% of international vacationers use their smartphones while abroad. About 70% post photos to a social network while on vacation, and 46% use services like Facebook and Foursquare to check in to restaurants and other places they visit. For the full picture of how technology and social media are changing our travel experiences, check out the Lab42 infographic below.
What role do tech and social media play in your trips? Let us know in the comments.
Invisible Facebook Friends Can See You, But You Can't See Them
Here's how Facebook is supposed to work: When you don't want to be someone's friend anymore, you unfriend them. Or, if you just want to keep certain things private, you can adjust their access settings. The ability to back out of a friendship is as vital online as it is off, which is why this is worrying: British security researchers Shah Mahmood and Yvo Desmedt have found a simple way to create un-unfriendable zombie accounts (via the Arxiv blog). Here's how it works:
1. Make a new account

Using an existing account works too, but the trick requires near-constant deactivation.
2. Add a bunch of friends

By day 285 of their experiment, the researchers had added 4339 friends to a fake account. These people didn't necessarily know that the account was fake, and may have mistaken its name for someone they knew. In any case, they voluntarily shared information with the owners of this account.
3. Deactivate the account

This will switch off, but not delete, your zombie account. Deactivated accounts no longer appear on other users' friend lists, and therefore can't be unfriended. Whatever the privacy settings were when they accepted your friend request are now permanently stuck.
4. Reactivate the account on demand

All you need to do to reactivate an account is log back in. All your old friends will be restored. Your friends will receive no notification of this, though, which makes it easy to log in quickly, access their profiles, then quickly deactivate again. As far as your friends are concerned, you're still gone and can't see their profiles. In reality, you're still friends and can see everything. There is no limit to the number of times a Facebook account can be reactivated.
This is more of a privacy quirk than a full-on exploit, but it's easy to imagine how people could abuse it: a jealous or abusive ex could "close" his account but still keep tabs on his partner; someone could mass-friend then deactivate in an effort to gather information about a group of people; a fired employee could invisibly stick around his company's Facebook network.
In order to kill a zombie Facebook friend you have to be online at the same time, notice it's active, and destroy its brain unfriend it. The researchers calculated the probability of someone seeing one of these zombie accounts on his active friends list at about 3/130, so good luck with that
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
What Should We Think Before Hire Freelance?
No doubt that you at right place for your query many of members may help you on same and some of can guild you better but it’s really important to know about the one to whom you are going to choose for free lance work. If you just looking for design your website then you may proceed with past experience and overall services that will be given by him. How much time it required, you may also connected with top website designer companies and ask your query. No need to worry they are not asking money for any query.
If you are thinking to build your own website by using some easy software as they can feel you to work with Microsoft word then is happy you may go with website builder. They are more attractive and easy to use you don’t need any kind of technical information or just pay you time and enjoy website that you want.
You may ensure yourself by knowing something about SEO and how your website deal in search engine what traffic you really required? And some more question that you may ask before hire an freelancer for your website -
About SEO
Many of people will give you surety with top ranking and thousands of visitors at your website. But sadly it’s not possible always many conditions are here that can be consider for site ranking and major factor is keywords competition.
Traffic Types
Organic traffic always consider as best traffic and have higher chance to get sale and mostly found that conversion rate is always higher with organic results.
Referring traffic is always seen less profitable less chance of sale but you would get higher enquiry and traffic at your website.
Direct traffic is much better then organic or referring, that is mean you are getting traffic by you name and your site increasing its brand value. Your name is your service.
You may also read some SEO myth that freelancer may tell you -
Best is guest posting -
It’s not quite easy to measure any trick as people are not really aware on search engine algorithm and its hard to say what percentage guest posting effective to search engine ranking either it’s easy to say that guest posting is an effective method to get higher ranking in search engine as guest posting have less chance to get spamming.
Social Optimization -
Social networking site like face book, twitter and LinkedIn have millions of active users and continue increasing their members so don’t think too much just look how you can attract towards you site. No need to worry at all SEO is just can’t become a tool as competition will remain increase now Google can‘t do this just enhance its ranking algorithm.
These are the things are really important when you consider to hire a freelancer now you have ability to ask question with them. We dont think that an professionalization SEO company is wrong choice. By this you get more interactions and features. We wish you good luck
Monday, March 19, 2012
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You are a smart money saver again! There are now E-Book(s), or someone may just called them mini eBook(s), ready for your 100% FREE download here. Unless otherwise mentioned, all ebooks are in PDF file format which is popular for most soft book readers. Here is the list of eBooks available for your instant download:
Table: FREE eBooks for Your Download
All the above eBooks are sponsored by this Inspiring Financial Magazine which legally own all the copyrights. These eBooks will not require you to wait for a standard 60 seconds prior to your download. Although they are only mini-eBooks and their file sizes are small (we keep them tiny as we do not want to add any kind of banners or annoying advertisements etc), they do contain links that can deliver more valuable contents to you if you are interested in the particular topic(s).
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What is more, the above toolbar and e-Books are 100% FREE to distribute, just because they are basically intended for use with promotional purpose. However, please be aware that distribution can only be permitted as soon as all the contents within the toolbar and eBooks, including but not limited to the links back to the sponsored website, have to remain fully unchanged.
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Title and Outline of eBook(s) | File Size | Path for FREE Download |
Shanghai vs HK: This mini eBook gives you brief description on the competition background between the HK and Shanghai, as well as their current development trend | 160 KB | Download link |
Best Asia Destinations: This mini eBook gives you advice on which Three Tourist Destinations in Asia are becoming more and more affordable nowadays. | 153 KB | Download link |
Effective Measures For Inflation Control: This mini eBook briefly describes what kind of effective measures have been used to control inflation in China. | 151 KB | Download link |
Market Expectation For European Sovereign Debt Crisis: This mini eBook describes the recent European sovereign debt crisis, and also the market expectation about European debt default. | 155 KB | Download link |
Is RMB Appreciation Still a Guarantee?: This mini eBook explains whether RMB appreciation can still be a guarantee, and also the latest development of this Chinese currency. | 149 KB | Download link |
Experience Sharing - How to Market Your Site Effectively?: This mini eBook describes how we market our site effectively and shares our experience with you frankly. | 156 KB | Download link |
How to Build Backlinks Safely and Naturally? This eBook provides an extremely practical and useful SEO guideline for you to build quality backlinks safely and naturally. This is the best link-building method that you can use it for FREE. | 120 KB | Download |
All the above eBooks are sponsored by this Inspiring Financial Magazine which legally own all the copyrights. These eBooks will not require you to wait for a standard 60 seconds prior to your download. Although they are only mini-eBooks and their file sizes are small (we keep them tiny as we do not want to add any kind of banners or annoying advertisements etc), they do contain links that can deliver more valuable contents to you if you are interested in the particular topic(s).
We will continuously upload more eBooks and will update this table as well to add the related download links. You are highly welcome to bookmark this particular webpage so that you will not miss any update and will be able to come back to visit anytime you may want.
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Furthermore, we have also created a helpful toolbar software for your quick download. Our toolbar has already been featured with online games, TV, custom search engine, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook functions etc. If you want to own this highly useful tool, please do not hesitate to
What is more, the above toolbar and e-Books are 100% FREE to distribute, just because they are basically intended for use with promotional purpose. However, please be aware that distribution can only be permitted as soon as all the contents within the toolbar and eBooks, including but not limited to the links back to the sponsored website, have to remain fully unchanged.
Many Visitors Also Read:
Introduction to Quick Money Saver
Translation Cost Saving
Promote Websites For Better SEO
BookStore for Investment
BookStore For Studying Investment
Sport Store for Olympics
Go back to QMS Home Page or you can go contacting QMS now
Sunday, March 18, 2012
YouTube Algorithm Changes
YouTube algorithm that presents suggested and recommended videos to users throughout its site has changed. Previously as a way to promote channels, YouTube chose recommended videos based on how many people clicked on a specific video, however this sometimes prevented videos with deeper engagement metrics from being seen
This new algorithm changes will bump videos that retain longer overall viewing sessions to the top of the recommended video results. This change benefits viewers because they’ll be able to find and watch more enjoyable content, while it could also benefit video creators because it can help build more focused and engaged audiences.
YouTube claims that this algorithm change will provide higher quality content with a better opportunity to be seen. Furthermore, simply creating longer videos may not improve a creator’s chances of getting their video featured within the recommended video results because the content might not add value, and the viewer’s total watch time is what matters for the algorithm change.
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Twitter Accounts Every Affiliate Should Follow
In this highly saturated and diverse industry like affiliate marketing, making connections and staying informed is of utmost importance. And while there is a plethora of resources out there for affiliates of all shapes, sizes and levels of experience, Twitter can be the easiest, most practical place to start. Let’s take a look at 30 of the best Twitter accounts for affiliate marketers to follow:
Affiliate Marketers
Shawn Collins (@affiliatetip) – Affiliate marketer, author and co-founder of the Affiliate Summit conference, Shawn Collins boasts over 38,000 followers and tweets to them about affiliate marketing tips and information about his conference.
Rae Hoffman-Dolan (@sugarrae) – As one of the most popular and entertaining affiliate marketers in the industry, Sugar Rae likes to share advice and anecdotes with her 13,500+ followers.
Jeremy Schoemaker (@shoemoney) – Another popular figure in the affiliate marketing world is Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker, as evidenced by his nearly 157,500 Twitter followers, as well as his popular affiliate marketing blog.
Geno Prussakov (@ePrussakov) – This affiliate marketer, author, blogger and consultant is famous for his work in the industry, as well as founding the AM Days affiliate marketing conference and AM Navigator, a resource site for affiliate marketers.
Zac Johnson (@moneyreign) – Affiliate marketer Zac Johnson shares his money-making secrets and helpful tips on his Twitter account.
Steph Lichtenstein (@MicroSteph) – Steph Lichtenstein is the president of Micro Media Marketing, an outsourced social media solution, and tweets about social media, affiliate marketing and other Web-based marketing topics.
Jonathon Volk (@jonathonvolk) – With nearly 31,500 followers, Jonathon Volk is well-established in the affiliate marketing industry for his performance and insights.
Matthew Wood (@matthewwood) – U.K.-based affiliate marketer Matthew Wood is the founder of Affiliates4U, a site for affiliate and performance marketing news, and the affiliate marketing conference that shares the site’s name.
Affiliate Marketing Events
Affiliate Summit (@affiliatesummit) – Since 2003, Affiliate Summit has been one of, if not the premier conference for the affiliate marketing industry.
LeadsCon (@LeadsCon) – This is the best conference in the U.S. for the lead-generation industry, with top buyers, sellers and technology solution providers meeting to discuss the always exciting world of lead generation.
ad:tech (@adtech) – One of the largest digital marketing conferences in the world, ad:tech, boasts over 21,000 Twitter followers.
PubCon (@pubcon) – Though this is technically a set of social media and search marketing conferences, PubCon offers helpful information for all types of Web publishers, many of whom are also affiliate marketers.
AM Days (@AMDays) – Geno Prussakov’s Affiliate Management Days is an event built for CMOs, affiliate managers and digital marketers tasked with improving the affiliate marketing strategies of their respective companies.
Affiliate Networks
Commission Junction (@CJnetwork) – Possibly the biggest affiliate network on the Web, Commission Junction has over 14,000 followers and provides great information for partners, and potential partners, on both sides of the affiliate aisle.
Clickbooth (@clickbooth) – Clickbooth is an exclusive CPA and CPC affiliate network with over 12,000 Twitter followers.
ShareASale (@shareasale) – This growing, Chicago-based affiliate network is followed by some of the biggest names in the affiliate marketing industry.
Rakuten LinkShare (@LinkShareBlog) – As of late, this affiliate network has been highly touted by its partners and third-party reviewers for its work in affiliate marketing, search marketing and lead generation. (@buyatUS) – This U.K.-based global affiliate network recently expanded into the United States and has shown impressive growth thus far.
ClickBank (@ClickBank) – This digital marketplace and affiliate network features over 70,000 and has nearly 20,500 followers on Twitter.
XY7 (@XY7) – This Las Vegas-based affiliate network tweets about a variety of topics and has created a number of key connections on the social network.
Affiliate Window (@AffWin) – Affiliate Window is one of the most popular and influential affiliate networks in the U.K.
Convert2Media (@convert2media) – This private CPA network deals with PPV, PPC and social media.
AvantLink (@AvantLink) – AvantLink is an affiliate network that offers its affiliate partners a wide selection of tools and scripts that are integrated directly into its platform free of charge.
Other Affiliate Marketing Accounts
AM Navigator (@AMNavigator) – The Twitter account for Prussakov’s website about affiliate tips and information shares much of the same type of content as its Web-based counterpart, providing followers with helpful information to improve their affiliate performance. (@affbuzz) – The official Twitter account of, an affiliate marketing news and blog aggregator, links followers to sites that offer news and blog posts about the industry.
NoExpAffiliates (@NoExpAffiliates) – Like the other accounts in this section, NoExpAffiliates shares useful information about affiliate marketing with its followers, usually by retweeting helpful links from the 13,000+ accounts that it follows.
AffiliatePaying (@AffiliatePaying) – This website features over 700 affiliate networks to help publishers and marketers find the best fit for their campaigns, and this Twitter page is a great way to get started with the service.
Int_Marketing (@intmarketingtip) – This Twitter account focuses on sharing helpful tips about the Internet marketing industry.
ReveNews (@Revenews) – Boasting the most clever pun on this list, this is the official Twitter handle of ReveNews, a site dedicated to covering the Internet advertising industry, which, of course, includes affiliate marketing news.
Affilorama (@Affilorama) – Affilorama is dedicated to educating affiliate marketers and priming them for success with free video and written lessons.
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New iPad TV Ad. is BAD
There is nothing visually unexpected. Kids and butterflies and flowers and balloons and kids and more balloons. Great. I've now got 10 ova in my ballsack. The copy is just puzzling, especially this line: "Because when a screen becomes this good, it's just you, and the things you care about." A philosophy professor would have fun with that logic progression. It reads like a line that was group-banged by about 10 people.(It is a very nice screen, though.)
Seemingly in-need-of-sleep voiceover talent sounds about as interested in the product as I am. The retina screen may be crystal clear, but his pronunciation wasn't. I had to listen twice to figure out he was saying "pin-sharp". And, "pin-sharp" is just a weird phrase, too. and then there's the music. It manages to be both innocuous and annoying at the same time; the repeated piano high notes are so fucking grating. Jesus.
5+ minute promo video (below) is no better. Again, there's no concept, it's choppy, it's crappy, and it's all over the place, product feature-wise. But there is one line in it that I thought should have been in the :30 spot: "The highest resolution display ever on a mobile device." As a non-tablet-owning human, THAT is at least mildly interesting to me.
50 Things The New iPad Still Doesn't Have
1. Flash
2. A soul
3. Friends
4. Lovers
5. Hair
6. Fingernails
7. A favorite shirt
8. HDMI Support
9. A house
10. A physical keyboard
11. A steady job
12. A bigass sword
13. A car (or a driver's license)
14. A child
15. Windows 7
16. A fat old dog
17. A sly but loyal cat
18. Even a goldfish
19. Consciousness
20. A sense of humor
21. Glasses-free 3D
22. Ontological crises
23. A stomach
24. Stomach problems (i.e. ulcers)
25. A stylus
26. Skin
27. Cancer
29. A bald spot
30. A CLUE (LOL)
31. A long-term hobby
32. A USB port
33. A beating heart
34. A dimpled smile
35. A removable battery
36. Bushy eyebrows
37. Essential Meaning
38. A good, hearty laugh
39. 2.1 Stereo Sound
40. Feelings
41. Regrets
42. Guilt, about anything (even that)
43. Linux support (kernel
44. Ethical sourcing
45. A dope beard
46. Just a really good hoodie
47. A cupholder
48. Cyanogen mod
49. Self-esteem
50. A black belt
3. Friends
4. Lovers
5. Hair
6. Fingernails
7. A favorite shirt
8. HDMI Support
9. A house
10. A physical keyboard
11. A steady job
12. A bigass sword
13. A car (or a driver's license)
14. A child
15. Windows 7
16. A fat old dog
17. A sly but loyal cat
18. Even a goldfish
19. Consciousness
20. A sense of humor
21. Glasses-free 3D
22. Ontological crises
23. A stomach
24. Stomach problems (i.e. ulcers)
25. A stylus
26. Skin
27. Cancer
29. A bald spot
30. A CLUE (LOL)
31. A long-term hobby
32. A USB port
33. A beating heart
34. A dimpled smile
35. A removable battery
36. Bushy eyebrows
37. Essential Meaning
38. A good, hearty laugh
39. 2.1 Stereo Sound
40. Feelings
41. Regrets
42. Guilt, about anything (even that)
43. Linux support (kernel
44. Ethical sourcing
45. A dope beard
46. Just a really good hoodie
47. A cupholder
48. Cyanogen mod
49. Self-esteem
50. A black belt
and here is 2 more if you need:
51. A yellow belt
52. A 4096 x 3072 screen
52. A 4096 x 3072 screen
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